DX-ing on HamSphere®

CQ is Fun

So I had the opportunity to create my own Blog; and I thought – well, everyone’s doing it: WHY NOT ?

The question was – what on earth would I put on a personal Web Site ? My life is perhaps a little interesting, but certainly not interesting enough to tell the whole world about it. Besides, I had seen too many web sites with one or two pages that waffled on about: “Hey, this is me !” and “Don’t you think my dog is just the greatest thing since bubblegum or sliced bread ?“

If there’s anything even vaguely interesting about my life that I would want to share with others, it would be my experiences as a “Hammie”. But I wasn’t quite ready (yet) to write my memoirs. Being early morning and my mind being in an altered state due to sleep deprivation after figuring out how HamSphere ® works, I became all philosophical and thought:

Now what would it take to allow those who have never been on an Amateur  Radio, a glimpse into what it is like to make friends around the world ?

And so, these pages were conceptualised — as the beginning of a journey. An opening of the door to the physical and psychological space that is called DXing.

For some, the journey would just be a quick pass-through; a detour on their way somewhere else. For others, it may spark some lingering interest and curiosity. And maybe a few would find the journey enriching, even inspirational.


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